The Division of Historic Preservation has prioritized in its mission the need to provide and educate the public with more information about the CNMI’s rich historical legacy.
Documenting the history of cultural practices, environment change, oral histories and events of the past, and providing information for future studies and research are pivotal areas that HPO diligently strives to research and pursue with its education and preservation activities.
The Division of Historic Preservation has three sections from which to view or learn more information about the CNMI’s ancient culture and traditions. With HPO’s Ethnographic and Historical publications, citizens of the CNMI can be more aware of their heritage and culture. It’s Micronesian Archaeological Survey (MAS) Reports will provide researchers or the public with information pertaining to Micronesia’s historical sites and treasures, with more emphasis on archaeology. In addition, HPO has a significant amount of professional papers compiled over the years and wants it to be made available to the public. These resources will provide more in-depth information for scholars and citizens to develop better research.
HPO is proud of its publications collection, especially as our office continues to produce and provide the CNMI and the world with two to four new publications annually. Working with local and professional historians, HPO manages to illuminate more and more about our past.
To view the following HPO Publication, click on the link:

a) Ethnographic and Historical Publications

b) Micronesian Archaeological Survey Reports

c) Professional Articles and Journals (To Be Posted)
To order any of the following HPO publications, please visit the Division of Historic Preservation at Airport Road, Saipan or email us at [email protected]. See contact page for more information.
All checks or money orders must be made payable to the Division of Historic Preservation.


Department of Community & Cultural Affairs – Historic Presercation Office
PO Box 10007 Saipan, MP 96950
Tel. (670) 664-2120/21/22 Fax. (670) 664-2139
Email. [email protected]