The Division of Historic Preservation has added a very important activity into its program and that is its outreach program. HPO wants the public to be more involved in preserving and protecting its resources and how better to achieve this aim than making its citizens actively participate in these types of activities. Creating this type of partnership and enpowerment will allow individuals or organizations to foster a sense of connection with a site and will allow them to be more receptive to the environment around them. This promotion of cultural stewardship allows our valuable sites to be cared and viewed by all.
HPO aims to launch its “adopt a site” program by which government agencies and private organizations may too partake in the rehabilitation and care for our cultural resources. This activity would add to the beautification of the island, preservation of cultural resources for future generations, and increase appeal or attraction for tourists.
As part of HPO’s outreach program, HPO has conducted numerous class presentations, site tours, and joined in on many cultural events to display artifacts and cultural methods. This program ties hand in hand with our mandate to educate the public about historic preservation activities. Increasing the public’s awareness about our unique cultural heritage is a goal HPO wants to see materialize.
Other forms of activities that fall under the outreach program include offering to the public training opportunities or educational workshops to learn about a particular aspect related to historic preservation, such as HAZMAT, Identification of Historic Features, Nomination Preparation, and much more.

Admiral Daniel Mastagni, his wife, and his aide on Mt. Tapotchau with former HPO staff archaeologist, Lon Bulgrin

If you would like to know more information about HPO and its outreach program, feel free to call our office. Private tours are offered only on staff availability and with consent from upper management.


Department of Community & Cultural Affairs – Historic Presercation Office
PO Box 10007 Saipan, MP 96950
Tel. (670) 664-2120/21/22 Fax. (670) 664-2139
Email. [email protected]