The Division of Historic Preservation wants to continually reensure the importance of educating the public, especially today’s youths, about “Preserving Our Past For the Future.” With this in mind, HPO has planned to incorporate today’s technological advancements (interactive multimedia) with some aspects of the past as a way to educate our upcoming generations. Therefore, in the coming months we will be presenting some fun activities for those who would like to learn more about our history.
Activities include an animated series of legends with Taga or games of how to put all the human bones together.
We are determined to make these multimedia projects interesting and educational.


Department of Community & Cultural Affairs – Historic Presercation Office
PO Box 10007 Saipan, MP 96950
Tel. (670) 664-2120/21/22 Fax. (670) 664-2139
Email. [email protected]