1. Before proceeding to the HPO Office, make sure to bring a copy of the DEQ (Division of Environmental Quality) Earthmoving permit application for HPO Officials to initial.
  2. Bring all pertinent information for HPO Officials to review. Submission of Application includes the delivery of foundation, excavation, grading plans, and vicinity map of project area.
  3. Please make sure all information is filled in correctly and signed by the authorized person.
  4. Once HPO performs its necessary survey of the project site for possible historical or archaeological materials, a condition will be processed and submitted to DEQ for the complete processing of the Earthmoving Permit. HPO’s clearance condition will take 3 days to 2 weeks to process.
  5. Please note that depending on the sensitivity of your project area, HPO may impose a condition to hire an archaeologist or for HPO Personnel to conduct monitoring services. This determination will be provided on HPO’s clearance condition to DEQ.

Please do not excavate your property until the DEQ Earthmoving permit is in your possession. HPO’s clearance or HPO official’s initialing (in the beginning process) does not entitle the applicant to commence his or her project. Proceeding with an unpermitted project will constitute as a violation on behalf of the applicant. Fines may be assessed.

To view or print the application, click on the the link below.

Application for Historic Preservation Review (Adobe PDF format)

For the rehabilitation of historic sites or buildings, see the following links:

a) Rehabilitating Historic Buildings as per the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation

b) Treatment of historic properties as per the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards


Department of Community & Cultural Affairs – Historic Presercation Office
PO Box 10007 Saipan, MP 96950
Tel. (670) 664-2120/21/22 Fax. (670) 664-2139
Email. [email protected]